Junior Grass Information 2024

Ascot Arana Hockey Club are anticipating to field the following teams into the BWHA competition in 2024: Under 7s, Under 9s, Under 10s, Under 12s and Junior Grass (U17).

Grass teams train on a Tuesday afternoon and our Junior Grass (U17) train on a Wednesday afternoon. Our Club training grounds are at 20 tramway street, Ferny Grove.

Training for our grass teams usually begins mid February.

Training times 2024

Team Day Time Venue
U7 Tuesday 5:00-6:00pm Ferny Grove
U9 Tuesday 5:00-6:00pm Ferny Grove
U10 Tuesday 5:00-6:00pm
Ferny Grove
U12 Tuesday 5:30-7:15pm Ferny Grove

Tuesday TBA Ferny Grove

Tuesday TBA Ferny Grove 

Fixtures Information

TeamFixturesFixture Location
Under 7Game times ranging from 8:00am – 11:30amRasey Park, Herston
Under 9Game times ranging from 8:00am – 11:30amRasey Park, Herston
Under 10Game times ranging from 8:00am – 12:00pmDowney Park, Windsor
Under 12Game times ranging from 8:00am – 12:00pmDowney Park, Windsor
Junior GrassGame times ranging from 8:00am – 12:00pmDowney Park, Windsor

Friend Requests

The club will endeavour to accommodate all friend requests for U7 & U9 teams. U11s and higher, the club will not accommodate friend requests as we must select children based on merit. This ensures a fair and even competition against other clubs.

Please note: only players playing in our clubs highest team can nominate / trial for BWHA representative teams.

Hockey is a team sport where many friendships will be made throughout your daughters playing career.

Why do we have trials?

Why do we have trials?

  • Club Growth - Our club has grown significantly over the past few years and is predicted to grow even further in the years to come. For Juniors we are now fielding more than one team in most divisions.

By running a fair and transparent trial and selection process, we ensure all players have the chance to make a team that matches their ability.


  • Competing at right level - By selecting players of similar ability in the same teams, we are ensuring our teams are competing at a level in which all players are capable.
  • Training and Coaching - Our coaches will find planning and running training sessions much smoother if all players are at a similar ability level.
  • Attracting talent to club - Clubs with correctly graded teams tend to perform better, which plays a part in attracting future players

Selectors and coaches will be evaluating each player based on merit under four distinct areas –

Technique, Tactics, Speed and Attitude.

What will help me / my child at the trials? 

  • Be physically and mentally prepared for the trials; good sleep the night prior, good food and plenty of fluids.
  • Bring all the necessary equipment i.e. shin pads, drink bottle, stick, mouthguard;  arrive at least 15 minutes early.
  • Bring a never give up attitude; be positive and have fun.
  • Encourage your child to use their voice during drills and games to encourage other team members in a positive way; and let team members know where they are on the field -enabling strong team work. This also applies to our Senior players, acknowledging the importance of team work and positional play.
  • In particular for our Juniors, (and not for trial day - encourage your child and educate them on how to be attentive. The coaches only have them for 1.5hours of training each week - listen to the coach and ask appropriate questions, pay attention to what the coach asks, and try to be the best you can be.  As coaches we all love kids who listen and try to the best of their ability.


Like any competitive sport, hockey is more enjoyable if you are playing alongside and against players of similar ability. We conduct trials to have the best teams for the different levels within the turf /grass competition. As such there are no guarantees for individuals that they will be selected in the same grade as in previous years. We believe this to be fair for both existing and new members. As per previous years there will be external selectors on a panel to select the teams for 2023.


Lastly, if you or your child fails to make the team they were hoping for, please manage your / their  disappointment and not become angry. Ask the coaches for feedback, ask what areas you / your child could improve in.


*Note: the one exception to our trials process is our Masters teams; who are collated based on a mix of ability and friendship groups.


Wet Weather

Our fields at Ferny Grove drain well which means our trainings are unlikely to be called off.
If in the event of storms/lighting/heavy rain and we are unable to train you will receive a email/text from coach or manager when they have made a decision. Also check out our facebook page as that is updated all the time. 
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